strvnge encounters is a community oriented platform that is innovative, fluid, and forever in motion.
this place aims to include and open the space to every person, wherever they may be in their journey,
and build a home with them.
this concept of home, within strvnge encounters,
is nurtured with tender love and care by aayesha.
aayesha is an instinctual artist, healer, and storyteller. she is the first born of immigrant parents, muslim, and a woman of color. 
she aims to break the silence that surrounds mental illness, sexual and domestic assault,
community accountability and more! 

since the birth of strvnge encounters on a hazy summer day in july 2016 strvnge encounters has hosted over 35 workshops ranging from hands on creative spaces, healing circles for survivors of sexual assault, interactive informative sessions
along with political action and education. 
we have also hosted two music shows / fundraisers for
Keith Davis Jr., a victim of police brutality.

as the months come and go, the strvnge encounters family will grow and shrink, naturally as things do but strvnge encounters will always stay true to its mission. 

the mission is simple. be the best that you can be in every aspect of your being. do not underestimate yourself, in your skill set or knowledge. do not make yourself small to fit into others spaces, if you have to trim yourself, the space is not for you. nurture yourself, grow, become something even more magnificent, and never stop. you are what you believe you are. be the greatest. stay humble.  

welcome to the family.